Thursday, February 23, 2012

Streetsport goes visual

And back to work I did go.
It's been a busy week for me, but it paid off with amazing output.
As for the streetsport project I was asked to design a poster for a 'teaser campaign'. Next week we plan to arrange another event which will allow me to take additional pictures and maybe some video while I am at it.

The poster

As of then I had to use the existing media we did get a hold of. So I took an old picture of Zahed (you have to have my word for it) from back when we shot the Freestyle sequence:

Aiming for an 'electrifying' impression I did the 'beta' version which looked something like this:

Following a brief brainstorming session we decided to push the 'energy' theme a bit forward and I introduced several static symbols around the ball. It follows the 'electric' theme we picked up in the title sequences for previous Streetsport movies. I also made the ball spin around giving it a sense of movement despite being under Zahed's foot. How energetic is that?

This step had the lettering slightly corrected.
I insisted on keeping it as simple as it is with no additional information except the website, which I think works well for the curiosity. A viewer is more likely to explore a concept which does not give all the details straight away (hence all the 'check out for more' 'come and see' etc.).
Unfortunately as 'are you game' apparently has some negative connotations (I think that on a long enough timeline one would be able to find some dirty meaning behind just about every phrasal verb there is, oh well).
So for now I am left with a blank template and a lot more thinking behind the word-games.

Hope to see it finalized anytime soon.

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