Monday, April 15, 2013

Further down the river

Still on it!
I don't think I'm ready for a detailed painting yet so again studying to get the values right. Time taken: around 3h

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hall of Darkness - value study

Turned out slightly overblown, but I'm practising again.
Probably took some 3-4 hours to complete.

My biggest challenge now is being patient enough to spend more than one afternoon to produce the next one. Sure will be worth it!

Recently I have been considering to upgrade my Trust tablet and came across a couple of cheapo alternatives of Cintiq displays, this one being one of them:

I wonder how much quality does one need to sacrifice at the third of the price but judging on the reviews, not  so much. Well, who knows...

Till next time.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Digital drawing update

Been practising a lot recently. Most of these took no more than 3-4 hours (which is still very little for a rookie). My plan now is to focus a bit more and try to produce something more detailed to see whether i have moved anywhere within the last year. Fingers crossed!

More to come!